Request Help

KW Westfield Supporting Those In Need

KWW Cares is all about supporting KW Westfield’s Agents and their Families in their time of need. To make sure we best handle the way that the donations are being allocated to needs we need to have the Request For Help Form filled out.

Request For Help Form

Once filled out, submit the form to If you are unable to print or scan the form in, you can write an email with all the needed information from the form.

Once the form is submitted, KWW Cares board will meet to discuss the need to make sure we have the funds and resources to help solve the problem.

This is a one-time grant, except as special circumstances may dictate. It does not endeavor to resolve situations more appropriately funded by the government or other social institutions.
KWW Cares is not able to give grants for:
• Residential or nonresidential substance abuse facilities or treatment
• Unconventional treatment for cancer or other serious illnesses
• Legal issues such as divorces, child custody issues, adoptions, etc.
• Debt relief, compensation for lost wages, or to bridge gaps in income unrelated to a specific emergency situation